Introducing a NEW way to end,
Indigestion, Acid Reflux, Gastritis, Stomach Upsets, Bloating, Burping, Gas, Belching, Nausea, Dry Cough, Throat Pains, Heartburn, and many more unwanted symptoms,
that come with having poor gut health.
The most comprehensive and result-oriented solution for people suffering from Acidity and Indigestion issues, who want to live a symptom-free life, and have a thriving, healthy GUT, without popping pills and antibiotics, is our 10-Weeks Acidity, GERD & H. Pylori Relief Group Program.

As seen on

What we treat?

Before I tell you about this life changing program, let's talk about who it's for...
Let’s talk about your health and wellness goals…
…because I believe there’s something you will read here that will help you achieve them faster and easier than you ever thought possible.
Many people who suffer from GUT ISSUES, miss their health and wellness goals and end up feeling frustrated, underconfident, depressed and helpless.
- a housewife who has been to every possible gastroenterologist for your acidity and indigestion issues
- a corporate hot-shot who is looking to resolve gas and stomach upsets, so you can travel with ease and confidence
- an aspiring man or a woman, who knows you can do so much more with life, if your GUT was supporting your life goals
You’re in the right place.
I’m going to tell you exactly how this 10-Weeks Acidity, GERD & H. Pylori Relief Group Program will give you the best tools, the caring community, and the unmatched support you need on this journey to getting permanent relief from your INDIGESTION woes.
In Just 10 Weeks, You Can
Get rid of a bulging stomach and all indigestion symptoms like acidity, bloating, burping, undigested food particles in stool, feeling too full after eating little, etc
Have high energy levels, and health and vitality that you always desired
Have a sound and deep sleep, and
improve your mood and mental health significantly
Be able to digest proteins like eggs, meats, dals, protein shakes, etc, and digest all kinds of foods – even those that trigger acidity and reflux today
Resolve issues of excessive thirst and very dry skin, and feeling heaty all the time
Resolve body pains, gas headaches, stomach pains, migraines, joint pains and other signs of high inflammation
But above all else...
Our 10-Weeks Acidity, GERD & H. Pylori Relief Group Program,
will give you the CONFIDENCE to finally live a carefree and healthy life you desire, without having to worry about your deteriorating health!

From 2018 to 2021, I have been facing issues of anxiety , hyperacidity, and heavy headaches. During this period, I tried allopathy, homeopathy, and ayurveda, with no improvement at all. All these issues resulted in very poor health, sexual dysfunction, high cholesterol, low BP, depression and I became borderline diabetic.
Smriti and her team analyzed all my data systematically with all lab parameters, and my journey with her team started. During the program, the team monitored me closely and figured out root causes and remedies.
I personally thank her for helping me out, and she brought my life to normal. I swear, she came to help me like an angel!
Rahul Shirke
Pune, India

For me, being a Health Coach is not just about educating you on your health issues. It is about making an impact on the world, and leaving behind a legacy, especially for my family, and the clients I get to serve!
And that’s why I’m sharing this transformational protocol and functional supplement formulations that I’ve developed for this group program, with as many people I can.
When I first started as a practitioner in 2020, I had realized that Functional Medicine and Functional Nutrition is the way forward, and the future of healthcare.
Since then I’ve successfully worked with hundreds of clients from across the globe, and I want to share all my protocols and interventions with you, and be a part of your journey to the peak of your health.
This transformational protocol has been battle tested over many years with people just like you and is proven to work for people struggling with acidity and all kind of indigestion and debilitating symptoms that come with it.
I am proud to say that I am working on creating an ecosystem which has:
- High-quality Functional Supplements and other health products that you can use for all kind of health issues (The brand is called ‘The Science of Good Health’)
- 1:1 program where we help people resolve their complicated and chronic health issues (called ‘The Ultrawellness Program’)
- Affordable Group Healing Programs under the brand name ‘The Good Health Revolution.’
What our clients say about us...
Shoaib Ahmednagar
"My name is Shoaib and I'm a medical student. I had been suffering from severe gastritis since 2019. Usually the symptoms used to aggravate and settle down but it was 2020, when these issues spiked and I was feeling like hell. It was the time I was preparing for my entrance exam and due to constant acidity, anxiety, bloating, indigestion, migraines, fatigue, that I was not able to give my best and I just couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. It took a huge toll on my physical and my mental health.This was the time I was sleeping once in 2-3 days. All my blood tests came out to be normal. This made me more tensed because I was suffering. It was in 2021 that I somehow got diagnosed for H. pylori gastritis and then as usual I did triple antibiotic therapy... so for the time being the issues settled, but returned within some days and I was back to hell. I tried every home remedy, ayurveda homeopathy but all in vain... Nothing helped me. After I did antibiotics, my gastritis worsened and now I could even feel the pain and burning sensations, also I started getting acid reflux. Maximum doctors who promised to get me cleared just conned me because they didn't give personal attention to my case and were busy following protocols. I suffered a lot till late 2022 when I was scrolling my insta and bumped onto Smriti mam's reel. I still remember it was about sympathetic nervous system activation leading to inflammation and leaky gut. She explained on a scientific basis and I was quite impressed by it and I started to explore more of her content. I went through a 3 months protocol with her team involving dietary changes and supplements, and now I can definitely say 90 % of my issues have vanished within a period of 3 months. I can eat a lot of things now with no reflux, no acidity, no headache... I can go out and chill which I wasn't able to, since years... It has brought a new hope to my life. There was a time when I had the best physique... I used to hit the gym and I was super healthy... and such a condition happening to a person like me was really a trauma and unexpected. Smriti mam came like an angel in my life and her team is also very cooperative! Gut healing is a complex journey which needs discipline and patience. Within 3 months I'm almost recovered. I can eat a lot more things now and more importantly I am able to digest them. Every week there was some improvement which kept me going. I am grateful to Smriti mam and her team, for their support and affection they show throughout the journey. This has really changed my life and I really hope this is going to be a game changer in my life. I am almost ready to rock again. Thanks a lot! ❤🙏"
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Rahul Pune
"From 2018 to 2021, I have been facing issues of anxiety , hyperacidity, and heavy headaches. During this period, I tried allopathy, homeopathy, and ayurveda, with no improvement at all. All these issues resulted in very poor health, sexual dysfunction, high cholesterol, low BP, depression and I became borderline diabetic. Smriti analysed all my data systematically with all lab parameters, and my journey with her team started. During the program, the team monitored me closely and figured out root causes and remedies. I personally thank her for helping me out, and she brought my life to normal. I swear, she came to help me like an angel. She not only resolved my issues but also she improved my life in many ways. When I started the program, I was 65 kgs with no absorption capacity and was low in physical stamina. The team rightly pointed out my pain areas and resolved all issues one by one. My cholesterol levels were more than 480, and now, after the program, my levels are below 160. I gained a healthy weight of 74 kgs with great stamina. She also resolved my anxiety issues. Now I can eat anything. I was literally not knowing whether it was stress or my gut, which was causing all the issues as it is a vicious cycle, and Smriti broke that chain. I recommended the program to my wife, and she also got great results. Even though we are in the modern era of medical science but frankly speaking, doctors were also not sure about my issues. Every time, I was directed to have sleeping pills and antacids. I swear Smriti has commendable knowledge on how the body responds to your diet and thought process. All the supplements she has given have changed my life. I was reluctant to spend money on her program, considering the fee and cost of suppliements, but before that I had spent 3 times more money on gastroenterology doctors, on ayurveda and on homeopathy. I had been told that I was having hiatus hernia and needed to do a laparoscopy, costing me around 4 lacs. Thanks, Smriti, for saving me through unnecessary advice and saving me from the surgery! My entire body got detoxified, and all toxic marks on my body vanished which were there, and I was told by a dermatologist that there was no chance to get rid of that. Today, I am a 10K marathon runner, playing 3 hours of badminton and tennis with elevated stamina. Once again, thank you, Smriti!"
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Monisha New Delhi
"I had literally hit rock bottom. I was unable to digest anything, and the only thing that was getting me through each day was REFAGUT. I knew long term this was not a solution and I was at my wits end. I had indigestion, constipation, nausea, flatulence, gas, weakness, diarrhoea, dehydration, depression, and the list goes on. I had been struggling for over 5 months, and it was only getting worse each day. I honestly didn’t understand how I was going to go on each day. I couldn’t consider travelling or leaving home much, because I couldn’t eat out. For a 2 months I had khichri 3 times a day because nothing else would go down. I had no energy to do anything. I was literally just getting by. After having a melt down, a friend of mine who had signed up for a gut workshop with smriti gave me her number. It was honestly fantastic working with them. I can't complain about a thing! They are a super team, and together held my hand and got me through the worst. Luckily I responded quickly to some of the supplements, and within 2 weeks I was feeling a change and became hopeful. I was being able to digest food. I literally got better each day, and that was enough to keep me going. I was grateful for the whatsapp group where they always responded. They were generous with their advice and explanations. Always answering and responding to concerns. Really what I appreciated the most was the holistic approach to everything. My key learnings have been that the body can heal, and that never give up. I honestly didn’t know how I was going to feel good again. I learnt to love, respect and honour my body and not take it for granted. I learnt to put myself first and to eat every 3-4 hours. I understood more about how my body works. I also changed a lot of the products and produce I use at home, from cold pressed oils to only having organic foods. It was a journey of tweaking things each day. It all feels like a miracle, because in 2 weeks I was able to digest my meals, and I was feeling a difference. 4 months later I planned my first trip. I couldn’t conceive of travel earlier because my health was so precocious. Now I have so much more confidence to get on with my life. Also the depression has lifted, and I’m just too grateful to be getting better each day! I recommend her 100 percent! And have already recommended over 8 people, struggling with stomach issues, to join her. Im grateful for the team for their patience, and their competence. They did in 4 months what seems like a miracle. I feel like I have a new lease of life, and never imagined it could be so fast. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’m able to move forward only getting better each day!"
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Madhuri Mumbai
"It all started by me following Ms. Smriti Kochar’s posts and finding them quite relatable and I was trying to absorb as much information to help myself from them. For a while, I dealt with a bit of skepticism, whether to approach Smriti and seek her help. I listed out all my visits to various hospitals, doctors from various fields such as Ayurveda, Homepathy etc but nothing had helped me completely so far. She confidently said this would be my final pitstop for my health problems. Post the consultation call, I was convinced to sign up. When I decided to sign up with her, I was already doing a few things on my own but without much success. I do have to give a whole lot of credit to her systematic and professional way to get on board with the six-week program. The questionnaire Smriti asked me fill-out made me question a lot about my choices of food, lifestyle and habits. So, I think the process tries to sync your mind and body from the very first step. At the beginning of the program, I complained to Smriti about headaches, acid reflux, food intolerances, and a limited diet I had put myself on. She listened, listed them out and gave me a fresh perspective in terms of diet. She asked me to do away with quite a few food items but did not leave me without giving me healthier options. Smriti is a no-nonsense food guide/mentor, who expects thorough dedication which was a cathartic challenge for me personally. The weekly follow-up calls were good reminders to stay on track and added a sense of reassurance. I have completed the six-week journey. I am healed to a large extent. My symptoms have reduced. I do not have to suffer from frequent and throbbing headaches. My problem with acid reflux has reduced heavily (read nil). I have made a conscious switch to a better diet that Smriti had put me on-to which need not be broken because it is part of my daily now. Smriti ensured that my other vitals are fine based on the tests she had asked me to get done. Further, she completed the circle by guiding me for the deficiencies as well. With a lot of confidence, I can say that Smriti has helped me restore my gut health and my ‘gut’ feeling which was lost all this while in painful symptoms and a painful lifestyle. Thank you, Smriti. I have found a health anchor in you and I can confidently hope for healthy days ahead. Best, Madhuri Pratinidhi"
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Tuhina Nashik
"I am extremely happy with the results of my program with team Smriti. I would certainly recommend this program to all my friends who are nearing 40 years of age! Since the last 1.5 years, I was suffering from explained weight gain, migraines, body pain, scanty and painful mensural cycles, bloating, acid reflux, chronic mood swings, coughing and fatigue. Was taking various vitamin supplements but still my vitamin levels were all time low in all my test reports. Was confused about what to do ... No medicines or supplements were helping. Smriti's reels on Instagram were an eye opener ... Ever since I have connected with her team, their guidance and advice have gone a long way to sort out all my health issues. I am feeling much better now. Just lifestyle changes and better quality supplements have shown miracles which normal medication couldn't. After stopping these supplements I never experienced any withdrawal symptoms, which always happens with prolonged use of any medications. Thank you so much to you all,.Keep up the great work that you all are doing! Love - Tuhina"
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Hiral USA
"I was struggling with multiple health challenges, stemming from stomach infections and several rounds of antibiotics, for the past 7 years. My gut health had literally hit rock bottom (leading to bloating, indigestion, nutritional deficiencies, fatigue, hair loss, hormonal imbalance, body aches) and countless visits to conventional and ayurvedic doctors were of no help. I came across Smriti's profile on Instagram by chance and could relate to all of her content regarding gut health and its effect on your entire body. Going into the pre-consultation session with Smriti, I was still unsure how functional medicine could help me heal when all other methodologies and diets had failed. But I decided to proceed with the program recommended by Smriti, and I am so glad I did because my entire life has changed in the last 4 months. Throughout the program, Smriti's team was extremely supportive, whether it was listening to my concerns, suggesting diet/supplement changes, or promptly responding to my queries via email or through WhatsApp. They were able to accurately diagnose the root cause of all my health challenges and resolve each of them systematically. They suggested diet changes and quality supplements tailored to my specific health issues after reviewing my blood test and GI map results. Although their recommendations required significant lifestyle changes, it became easy to follow them when I noticed positive changes in my well-being in a short amount of time. Within 2 months, I had minimal digestion issues, my energy levels were up, the body aches had disappeared, and my blood test results were normal. I could tell I was digesting my food and my gut was finally healing. My health is now in a much better state than it has been in the last 7 years. For me, the key learning from this program is to give my body the time and support it needs to heal through nutritious and well-balanced diet, high quality supplements, and mindfulness. I recommend Smriti and her team to anyone who wants to take charge of their health and get better!"
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So, If You're Ready To Transform The Way You Digest and Absorb Your Food, You're Invited To Join Our
10-Weeks Acidity, GERD & H. Pylori Relief Group Program
Where You Get All This From Us...

Our Specially Formulated Functional Supplements Kit to Address Indigestion, Acidity, and H. Pylori Issues – Complimentary From Us

Teach You Powerful and Precise Lifestyle Changes That Will Help You Combat Acidity & Indigestion Issues Quickly

We Will Help You Address Overgrowth of H. Pylori Bacteria in the Most Natural and Safest Way, Without Fear of Recurrence or Side Effects
Overgrowth of H. Pylori bacteria can totally neutralize your stomach acid, which is the key ingredient needed for your digestion and break-down of food. H. Pylori also causes stomach ulcers, gastritis, stomach burns and stomach cancers in many cases, if left unaddressed.
We will teach you how to eradicate it by breaking its biofilm, and countering its further growth, by using specific probiotic strains.

We Will Help You Replenish and Repair Your Gut Lining

We Will Teach You Powerful Techniques to Lower Your Stress Levels and Calm Down Your Nervous System
Because all the good food you eat cannot heal you, if you do not digest and absorb the nutrients because of your high stress levels.
We will teach you some powerful ways to calm down your nervous system and improve your vagal tone, through our expert mental health coaching sessions.
You'll Get These Amazing Bonuses to Help You Have Unstoppable Momentum and Make Sure to Get a Healthy, Thriving Mind and Body.

Full time access to one nutritionist who will be always in touch with you to assist you with meal plans, meal options

A yoga coach who will do 3 live sessions with you every week to teach you asanas that help improve digestion

A mental health coach who will do 3 live sessions with you every week to teach you breathing techniques and other powerful interventions to relax your nervous system.

15 complimentary Functional Supplements from ‘The Science of Good Health’ to support your entire healing journey, detoxification, nutritional deficiencies etc
10-Weeks Acidity, GERD & H. Pylori Relief Group Program
When you add it all up, that's a real-world value of INR 1,90,000.
but you can join our 10-Weeks Acidity, GERD & H. Pylori Relief Group Program today for just INR 64,999...
- 5 Live coaching sessions with our Lead Coach Surbhi Kochar, where she will teach you our transformational protocols and interventions to get the desired health results you wish to achieve.
INR 1,50,000 value
- Full time support and dedicated weekly video calls with a Head Nutritionist that will be assigned to you, to help you plan meal plans according to your taste, culture, preferences etc.
INR 45,000 value
- 3 Weekly Live Yoga Sessions, to help your digestive process work better.
INR 30,000 value
- 3 Weekly Live Sessions with a Mental Health Coach to improve your vagal tone and bring your body into the ‘Rest and Digest’ state, also known as Parasympathetic Nervous System State.
INR 75,000 value
- Special Custom-formulated Functional Supplements Kit from ‘The Science of Good Health’ to support your entire healing 10-weeks journey.
INR 40,000 value
The Next Step
Is Up To You...
I can’t wait to see the transformation in your DIGESTIVE HEALTH and live a life without any debilitating symptoms, so you can finally have the thriving health that you desire, once and for all.
Frequently Asked Questions
H. Pylori is a bacterium in the stomach that can cause acidity, heartburn, inflammation, and ulcers if it overgrows.
Through a blood test, breath test, stool test, or endoscopic biopsy.
Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid flows into the esophagus, causing heartburn. GERD is a chronic form of acid reflux.
- Heartburn, acidity, bloating, burping
- Throat irritation, post-nasal drip, dry cough
- Stomach pain, nausea, gastritis, ulcers
- Low B12, iron, and vitamin D3 levels
- Irregular bowel movements
- Natural interventions to restore digestion & gut health
- Plant-based supplements (no antibiotics)
- Lifestyle & dietary guidance
- Stress & nervous system management
Anyone with chronic acidity, GERD, acid reflux, ulcers, or digestive issues.
Yes, but it's a simple, balanced diet—no crash diets or calorie counting.
Yes, plant-based supplements are provided and these are complimentary within the program (No Extra Charges).
- Live coaching with Surbhi Kochar
- Personalized nutrition guidance & chat support
- Complimentary supplements
- Weekly yoga & mental health sessions
- Access to our health-tracking app
Yes, but consult your doctor before making any changes.
Only individuals 18+ can enroll.
Yes, regardless of prior antibiotic treatment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) is a bacterium that resides in our stomach and has a symbiotic
relationship with us.
However, an overgrowth of H. Pylori can cause infection in the stomach and Duodenum
(upper part of the small intestines) and can cause acidity, heartburn, stomachache,
inflammation, peptic ulcers, etc.
H. Pylori overgrowth can happen due to a number of reasons: food sensitivities, poor
lifestyle, processed food, stress, low stomach acid, etc.
H. Pylori infection can be tested through a blood test, breath test, stool test, and biopsy via
an endoscopy.
Acid reflux is when the acid from the stomach comes up in the esophagus (throat) and can
cause acidity, heartburn, irritation in the throat, cough, post nasal drip etc.
GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) is a chronic condition and persistent form of Acid
Reflux, where stomach acid frequently comes up into the esophagus.
Common symptoms of GERD, acid reflux and H. Pylori infection are:
- Acidity, heartburn, and acid reflux
- Acid reflux or silent reflux at night
- Throat burn and Irritation
- Excessive burping, gas, indigestion, gas headaches, flatulence
- Feels too full after eating, or not feel hungry at all
- Heaviness or tightness in chest, heart palpitations
- H. Pylori overgrowth (shown in endoscopy or H. Pylori test)
- Dry cough which just does not go away
- Constant post nasal drip and excessive mucus formation in the throat
- Bloating and bulging belly
- Dry eyes and dry mouth
- Excessive thirst and very dry skin
- Consistently low B12, Iron and Vitamin D3 levels, despite supplementation
- Mouth sores and stomach ulcers
- Gastritis
- Abdomen cramps, low grade pain under the ribs
- Nausea or vomiting after eating meals
The program duration is 10 weeks.
Since everyone’s body is different, everybody’s healing journey is also different.
The process of healing depends on numerous factors including your current gut health, age, how
chronic your issues are, your body’s response to the supplements and lifestyle changes,
consistency in following the advised lifestyle and dietary changes, and more.
Most people recover almost 80 to 90% in 10 weeks. Our proven protocol ensures quick, safe and
sustainable restoration of your gut during the duration of the program.
The Program Fee is INR 64,999, inclusive of all taxes.
The program fee is non-refundable under any circumstances, once the payment is made.
No, the program is not transferable. Once you sign up and pay for the program, the slots will
be only booked for the individual who signed up.
We have designed an extraordinary but very simple and sustainable protocol, which includes
100% natural interventions to bring back your digestion and absorption power!
- The program includes powerful nutritional and plant-based supplements to heal you from
the inside - The program focuses on teaching you impactful lifestyle and dietary changes that will make
your healing faster - The program focuses on reducing overgrowth of H. Pylori bacteria in the most natural and
safest way (without using antibiotics) - The program will help you replenish and repair your gut lining
- The program will help you manage your stress levels and calm down your nervous system
This program is for individuals who are suffering from chronic acidity, indigestion, heartburn,
burping, acid reflux, GERD, H. Pylori overgrowth, ulcers, bloating, nausea, burping, dry cough, etc.
Individuals looking to improve their gut health, digestion and absorption of nutrients and reduce the acidity symptoms will benefit from this program.
The program will focus on using functional foods as well as plant-based functional
supplements to heal your gut and fix deficiencies. We will use powerful, bioavailable forms
of plant-based supplements that will be provided complimentary to you in the program.
The program will include:
- Live Coaching Sessions (online video sessions) with our Head Coach, Surbhi Kochar,
which will be educational sessions on how to recover from Acid Reflux and H. Pylori
overgrowth, improve your digestion, energy levels, mood, and overall wellbeing. - A Complimentary Functional Supplements Kit before the start of the program, that
will be used for the full duration of the program. - Access to a Head Nutritionist who will work with you on your diet and nutrition. You
will have daily chat support and weekly calls with your Nutritionist to discuss your weekly progress and clarify any doubts/ questions regarding your diet and nutrition. - Access to Complimentary Weekly Yoga Sessions, and Mental Health Sessions. Our program aims for a holistic healing, which includes mental, emotional, and physical
wellbeing. - Access to our App where you can set daily reminders, log your daily progress, get
access to recipes and tips, maintain a daily mood and food journal and many more
helpful features to support you on the program.
Yes, if you have any existing health conditions and are taking medicines for diabetes,
thyroid, high BP or cholesterol, etc., you can still join this program and continue taking your
doctor’s prescribed medications. The supplements used in the program are made using
plants and herbs, and are safe to consume, but they are not a substitute of medicines
prescribed by your doctor. We strongly recommend you to use your own discretion and
consult your doctor before deciding to make any modification(s) in your medication, or to
consult about the supplements used in this program.
Yes, if you have H. Pylori overgrowth (shown in endoscopy or a test) and have taken H. Pylori
antibiotic treatment or even if you have not taken H. Pylori antibiotic treatment, you can
join this program, and benefit greatly from it.
1. Live Group Coaching Sessions/ Webinars will be conducted on Weekends only (IST Time Zone). schedule for the batch will be shared with you on your email, in advance, after your fee is recieved. You are requested to mark your calendars accordingly and set reminders to not miss the sessions.
2. Chat support will be available from 11am to 6pm IST, from Monday to Saturday, and not available on Sundays, or during office holidays/ off days.
3. This program is only focused on Digestion, Acidity, H. Pylori and GERD issues, and hence no testing or lab work will be done for this program.
4. This program will not be addressing any other diseases or symptoms, apart from Digestion, Acidity, H. Pylori & GERD related issues.
5. Supplements that would be needed for the program are covered in the fee mentioned above. Supplements can be shipped only to clients who are based out of India. This program right now is only for people based out of India.
6.We don’t work with pregnant or lactating women
We have done this for many people around the world already, and you may be next!
Our Lead Coaches Smriti Kochar and Surbhi Kochar, already work 1:1 with a lot of people globally, and run the most amazing and transformative program called The Ultrawellness Program, which is designed to heal people from their chronic diseases naturally.
You may read about them here:
Follow Smriti on Instagram:
Follow The Good Health Revolution on Instagram:
We look forward to having you join us for your health transformation journey!